
The process of technological revolution 4.0 as a leading factor in the deployment of a new form of globalization of the world economy has been investigated. It has been revealed that the need to work with huge amounts of information led to the transition to the fourth scientific paradigm - extracting information from databases in order to find dependencies and patterns. It has been determined that within the four stages of the IT revolution there have been three transitions regarding the basic technology of networks (from analogue to digital, from fixed to mobile and from broadband to broadband), and three main trends of global technological development (intellectual technologies, technologies of network integ and flexible automation). The rate of development of robotics and the emergence of a global market for smart things was estimated: if in 2008 robotics was considered as an emerging industry, then in 2020, after ten years from the date of the commercial offer, smart house could be identified with the concept of normal house. The commercial proposals for digital 5G mobile technology are analyzed as emerging global markets that emerged in 2019: the equipment and infrastructure market (more than half of the market - 53.3% - was occupied by manufacturers such as Huawei and Samsung) and the market for smartphones with integrated technology (the majority of the market - 72.5% - was occupied by companies that are leaders in the market of equipment and infrastructure, ie Huawei and Samsung). It is noted that, firstly, the leadership of Asian companies in the global markets for digital 5G mobile technology may be explained by the availability of relevant radio frequencies in the Asian region for use by the manufacturing companies (ie manufacturers can supply the technology and average smartphone users can use it) in their devices), which in the near future may exacerbate the competition of manufacturers in the markets of Asian countries. And secondly, the activity of Huawei and Samsung in both markets, where digital 5G mobile technology is being introduced today, reinforces the importance of rapidly deploying hot technologies to maximize the economic impact (in particular, «hot pioneers». Technologies theoretically receive a cash flow growth of 122.0%, «pursuers»- 10.0%, and those who do not absorb these technologies in the 15-year perspective, feel a negative increase in cash flows at the level (-23% )).

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