
Korean Abstract: 이 연구는 푸틴 집권 3기와 4기 극동개발정책의 종합적인 평가와 더불어, 동북아 주요국(중국과 일본)의 극동진출 전략에 대한 비교 분석을 통해 한국과 러시아 간 극동지역 신경제협력 방향을 제시하려는 목적으로 수행되었다. 2018년 평창올림픽 이후 한반도의 정세 변화 속에서 한국과 러시아는 신동방정책과 신북방정책의 전략적 접점을 모색하면서 경제협력을 보다 내실화할 필요가 있다. 특히 극동지역에서의 신경제협력은 한반도와 러시아, 그리고 북방유라시아를 연결하는 사업이라는 점에서 신북방정책과 한반도 신경제구상 간의 연계 협력방안이 될 수 있을 것이다. English Abstract: In July 2017, the Moon Jae-In administration announced its New Northern Policy, aimed to create a new northern economic space and strengthen connectivity between Korea and the Eurasian continent. Vitalizing Korea–Russia economic cooperation is an important factor in realizing the policy. In this regard, Korea needs to come up with new economic cooperation measures which correspond to Russia’s socio-economic conditions, industrial policy and regional development plans. This study focuses on Russia’s Far East development policies and Korea’s measures to cooperate in the region. The Russian Far East has abundant natural resources and is situated relatively close to Korea. However, high living costs and poor housing and transport infrastructure conditions deteriorate the quality of life in the Far East, resulting in chronic depopulation. Moreover, the commodity-dependent industrial structure has to be improved and diversified for sustainable economic growth. Considering all these factors, this study suggests to seek cooperation in the Far East’s key and growing industries such as the mining, transport, fishery sectors. In addition, Korea can foster new cooperation projects in the high technology and services sectors. The Far East development policy carried out in Putin’s third term was targeted mainly at regional development and investment promotion. The major achievements of the policy can be summarized as the establishment of an institutional base, such as with the advanced development zones, Vladivostok free ports and the Far East Hectares. The challenges in the coming years will be to specify development plans and investment projects, improve the business climate, and raise the quality of life, among others. The policy will continue in a similar manner during Putin’s fourth term as well, but with more focus on increasing the quality of life. Whether the ultimate goal of the policy will be successfully achieved is now up to whether the authorities can find appropriate ways to distribute benefits from development while efficiently managing the institutions that have been adopted.

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