
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 郭店楚墓所出《老子》甲組21號簡之文,既見於今本《道經》第二十五章,又見於西漢早期的馬王堆帛書本、北京大學藏西漢中期竹簡本《老子》。各本之間存在不少異文,學者們對此已有許多論述。爲了弄清楚《老子》此章的原意,有必要在吸收各家合理說法的基礎上,對郭店《老子》這支簡的有關異文重新進行解釋。我們的討論主要涉及:“■有蟲成”的“■”和“蟲”、“■敓”的釋讀;“周行而不殆”一句的有無及其含義;是“可以爲天下母”還是“可以爲天地母”。 備註:由於系統所限,部分特殊文字未能顯示,在此僅以■代替,相關原整文字煩請查看PDF檔案。不便之處,敬請見諒。 A sentence in slip number 21, group A of the Guodian Laozi manuscript is found not only in chapter 25 of the received editions of the Daojing but also in two manuscripts: the Mawangdui silk manuscripts dated from the early Western Han Dynasty and the bamboo slips dated from the middle of the Western Han preserved at Peking University. However, in these editions there are a number of textual variants, which have been discussed by scholars on numerous occasions. In order to discover the original intended meaning of this chapter in the Laozi, it is necessary to revisit the issue based on existing scholarship and provide new explanations. Remark:Limited by the system, we cannot display certain special Chinese characters here. Please refer to the PDF file to view those characters. Thank you for your understanding.

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