
The article considers the positive changes of the Russian Constitution, implemented during the constitutional reform of 2020, justified the relevance and significance of the constitutional reform of 2020, which for the Russian Federation is an important step towards strengthening the nation as a multinational people of Russia, its unity. The return to the text of the constitution of traditional spiritual and moral values of Russian society, filling with real content of the social character of the modern Russian state is made with the understanding that the nation in Russia is a civilizational union of many peoples. The consolidation of the multi-ethnic people of Russia is considered in the spiritual, moral, social, economic, political and civilizational levels, when the consolidation of cultural unity of modern Russia is carried out at the same time protecting the identity of all peoples and ethnic communities of the Russian Federation. It is concluded that the constitutional reform of 2020 has not removed from the agenda the question of the need for a new Constitution of Russia.

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