
During 1918 – 1920s the Republic of Armenia made huge efforts in preventing hostile forces and intrigues especially in the regions of Surmalu, Kars, Aralich, Zangibasar, Vedibasar, Boyuk Vedi, Nachijevan, Zangezur, Zod Basargechar and in other areas. From the existing archives and other documents it follows what difficulties of Armenian government went for preventing Azerbaijan-Turkish special activities. In the days of the First Republic of Armenia, the successful activity of the Armenian government had considerable results in the cause of revealing the evident anti-Armenian intrigues and espionage activity of the Azerbaijan in Yerevan to undermine the bases of Armenian Statehood and bring about anti-Armenian revolts in Zangibasar, Boyuk-Vedi as well as in Zod and other Armenian districts by directly bribing the local Azerbaijanians for the purpose of tearing away the primordial Armenian territories in the presence of the British representative, Colonel C. Temperley.

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