
The article analyzes Psalm 119 as an element of religious discourse and part of the Bible in terms of communication strategies as a factor in its impact on the mind of the addressee. Recourse to the Bible is determined by the power of its influence on the minds of people through the use of various language and speech means. Religious discourse differs from other types of discourse in its manipulativeness. However, since this word has acquired a negative connotation, we consider it inappropriate to use it in relation to biblical texts, and we prefer the term „influence”. Religious discourse is organized taking into account the purpose of influencing the addressee of communication. Therefore, the necessary communication strategies are selected for the effective implementation of this task. Speech influence is carried out with the help of communicative strategies and tactics, the essence of which is operations on the knowledge of the addressee, on his value categories, emotions, will. The choice of communicative strategies depends on the specifics, purpose and genre of religious discourse – to establish faith, convert to faith and explain the rules of life, behavior in the religious world, the place of God and man in it. Psalm 119 is dominated by explanatory and prayerful strategies, so this psalm has a didactic focus. With the help of these strategies, the author not only builds his conversation with God, but also paints his picture of the world, explains his place in it as a person and shows who God is for him and how to address Him. In addition, communication strategies correlate with elements of influence, namely: persuasion / explanatory strategy; suggestion / explanatory strategy; motivation to follow / evaluation and affirmation strategies; with the formation of the benefit of favor / all strategies used in the psalm; manipulation or influence / all the strategies used in the psalm, because they are used to show how it should be.

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