
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between nursing professions and personalist bioethics. This was conducted to prepare basic data for education to expand the nursing ethics, which is the core competency of nursing professions. The relationship between nursing professions and personalist bioethics can be explained in two aspects. The first is a high connection from a philosophical point of view of humans, and the second is that personalist bioethics can present standards to overcome the limitations of the bio-medical ethics principles. The former means that humans should be respected on the premise of dignity in the entire process from the beginning to the end of human life, and that humans are a single existence in which physicality and spirituality are inseparable and beyond the sum of simple parts. In addition, the latter means that the principle of physical life protection that human right to life takes precedence over any other right can provide a standard for ethical decision-making related to human bioethics. In the future, it is proposed to develop, verify, and expand the effectiveness of the personalist bioethics education program so that personalist bioethics can be actively experienced in the field of nursing ethics.

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