
Reminiscences and a bait of the war years recorded in 1948 during a folklore expedition which was organized by scholars of the Institute of Language, Literature and History Hamid Yarmi and Khalida Gatina, are offered to readers’ attention. The expedition visited Aktanyshsky, Kalininsky, Muslyumovsky and Menzelinsky districts of Tatarstan. The expedition was attended by a third-year student of Kazan State University Nurikhan Fattakhov, who later became the author of historical novels. During the post-war expeditions, most of the informants were the Great Patriotic War veterans, front-line soldiers. They share memories of the Great Patriotic War, talk about the battles in which they participated, and about their military comrades. The first memory was recorded based on the story of Mukhammatziya Valiev. Valiev was a scout on the Leningrad and Stalingrad fronts for three years, and was wounded four times. According to the memoirs of a corporal intelligence officer, he spent one day in reconnaissance on the Stalingrad front. Salikh Shakirov ended the Great Patriotic War with the rank of Guard Captain, for display of courage he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the Medal For Courage. Salikh Shakirov was the commander of the reconnaissance department and recalls the events that took place during the military campaign to the German rear. Mirza Ibragimov tells about fierce battles in Ukraine, on the banks of the Dnieper. The memoirs describe how the soldiers resisted to the last, blew up German tanks, and carried out the wounded. Khanif Shaimardanov describes the tragedy of captivity. No edits were introduced into the texts. This gives you an opportunity to feel the live speech of the informants. The documents are kept in the funds of the Center for Written and Musical Heritage “Miraskhane” of the G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (collection No. 34, folder No. 4).


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Сугыш истəлеклəре

Мин бер-икесенə аттым да, шунда ук тегелəр тышка чыгып бастылар. Хəзер боларны алып айтып китəргə кирəк бит. Безнең хəзер ундүрт тə җиде – җегерме бер немес булды, ə без өч кеше. Мин тегеңə «Вакыт юк, тизрəк үзебезнекелəргə алып кайтырга кирəк», дим.ундүрт немес минем кырга килеп җиттелəр. Үзем белəн 12 сугышчыны алып немеслəрнең оборонасында торган пулемет кырында торучы бер сакчыны алырга китəргə тиешбез. Мин хəзер ике группа белəн дə блиндажга нападать итəргə карар кылдым. Без алып кайткан документларның һəм «теллəр»нең күрсəтүе буенча командование өчен уңышлы һөҗүмгə күчəргə мөмкинлек булды. Мин тиз генə бер иптəшем белəн шуышып аның кырына барып аягын бəйлəдем. Без түземсезлек белəн беренче снəрəдне җибəрергə хəзер торабыз. Шул вакытта мин бер осколочный снəрəд җибəреп калам немес пехотасына. Санбатта полк командиры килеп минем Кызыл Байрак ордены белəн бүлəклəнүем турында белдерде һəм рəхмəт əйтеп кулымны кысты.

Майданек лагерында
Дəүлəтов Баян турында истəлек
Фəйзулла ага бəете
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