
<p>親密暴力施暴者常被誤為同質群體,以致忽略各類型施暴機制的差異。其中「反擊型」男性施暴者鮮少受到關注,故宜深入探究之。為建構此類型的施暴心理機制,本研究遵循建構主義研究典範、從華人文化觀點進行切入,採用敘事研究進行資料蒐集與分析,邀請兩位平時無暴力傾向、且主觀認定與伴侶互動處於弱勢地位之男性施暴者進行半結構式訪談,並輔以判決書和社工紀錄,進行協同分析。研究結果彙整出三個主題,包括「家庭關係中的弱勢者」、「關係主義的實踐」、「施暴後省思再出發」。此結果顯示「反擊型」的施暴歷程不僅呈現諸多傳統華人思維,且可能超出權力控制的解釋觀點,建議後續研究進一步驗證此結果。</p> <p> </p><p>Intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetrators are often falsely believed to be homogenous. Because of this, the mechanisms underlying various forms of IPV have been insufficiently researched. Fighting back is a unique form of IPV, and the perpetrators of such IPV have received little academic attention. Therefore, an in-depth exploration of the psychological mechanisms underlying this form of IPV is warranted. The present study adopted Chinese Relationalism and constructivism perspectives and employed narrative inquiry to collect and analyze research data related to fighting back. Two male perpetrators of such IPV who did not behave violently in daily life and identified themselves as being subordinate to their partners during couple interactions were invited to participate in semi-structured interviews. Judicial documents and records from social workers were also collected for reference during the co-analysis. Three themes were constructed, namely, the subordinate member of a family relationship, the actualization of Relationalism, and the new start after reflecting on IPV themes. The results indicated that the perpetrators of fighting back IPV have the psychological features of substantial Relationalist thinking and not conforming to traditional interpretations of power and control. Future empirical studies are suggested to verify the results of this study.</p> <p> </p>

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