
In a field experiment, the high efficiency of the in situ bioaugmentation method was demonstrated using three biological products (Putidoil, Arkoil and Multibak Asset) to clean up the territory in the Volgograd region 6 years after an emergency oil spill. The use of these biologics allowed for 4 months of treatment to reduce the concentration of petroleum products in chestnut soil (initially from 5,100 to 5,500 mg /kg) by 72.2-98.6%. The best results were obtained at the site treated with Putidoil biologics, where the concentration of petroleum products decreased from 5,500 to 699 mg/kg by the end of the season. Detoxification of oil-contaminated soils with the help of biological products to ensure an environmentally safe soil condition. Keywords: OIL PRODUCTS, CHESTNUT SOIL, BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS, PUTIDOIL, ARCOIL, MULTIBAS ACTIVE, BITOAUGMENTATION, GRAVIMETRIC METHOD

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