
The choice of title is a reference to the abbreviated content of the book. The importance of the title in the creative process is emphasized by P. Sevak and A. Ayvazyan said. The title of the book is a sign that allows you to reduce the content of the book to one focus in the process of reading. The collection can be seen as a metaphor for transliteration. This is connected, on the one hand, with the name of the collection /«The Door of Mher»/, known in our epic as Agravavakar, and on the other hand, with the esoteric system of Eastern philosophy. The rose, again a ritual, meditative image, “on the other side” of life is expressed in the real image of the “tree”, in other words, metaphysics becomes nature, the image arises as an image. This nickname given to being is governed by the poetic «Me», which overcomes «side by side», «otherworldly» states of life, «through the labyrinth of ignorance» and «through the cracks of the word of being». Knowledge” and is established as racial memory by measuring indecision and exploration. In almost every poem-context, having a deep perspective of the mythical reality of our epic, the poem is constantly trying to overcome the temptation to become a myth, but Mher remains the “secret” hero of the poem, which Beyleryan tries to carefully hide is observed in the ancient mysteries, then in the tragedies of Dionysus, who has many in common with our Mher as his deity. In other words, when the Primordial dies in ordinary consciousness, a tragedy is born․

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