
The article considers the historical process of formation of the logistics services market in Ukraine. Currently, the market of logistics services is one of the most developed markets of the national economy, which concentrates a huge number of producers, sellers, providers and users of services of intermediary enterprises, including the services of insurance companies and financial institutions. It is a complex and multifaceted process that is not limited in scope, but also includes functionality and strategic guidelines. A study of the features and capabilities of the domestic market of logistics services. It is established that the study of the domestic market of logistics services and the reforms that have taken place are needed to build effective relationships in the future based on the study of previous experience. The legislation of Ukraine concerning the market of logistic services since 1991 and till now is analyzed. The classification of stages of formation of the market of logistics services is carried out, where also the idea of logistics, its tasks and problems for each historical period is defined. It is established that at the first stage of creation of the market of logistic services in Ukraine its main task was definition of the rights, duties and responsibility of the parties. It is noted that with the adoption of a course on the development of the welfare state and awareness of the need to build a market economy, there was an understanding that it is necessary to adopt a number of legal documents governing the market of logistics services. A systematic approach will ensure the adoption of a new paradigm for the development of the logistics services market aimed at cost savings. It is proved that the development of the market of logistics services should be based on the principles of information, transparency, obtaining qualified advice, convenience, etc.

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