
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 奠基於學界長久以來經學與文學關係緊密的命題之上,本文所欲解決的問題是,陳傅良《春秋》學世變觀、書法觀與古文關係何在?本文認爲,陳氏世變觀著眼於“事端(始)”“漸”“累”“甚”,書法觀則强調《春秋》、《左傳》之書與不書如何互相發明。陳氏《春秋》學不僅僅用於解經,更廣泛的見用於各體古文,包括序跋、書信、雜記、墓誌銘、祭文、論説等等,以及相應的各種不同人事現象、歷史事件。其以“組絲貫珠”的敘事工夫處理古今事物,或是條理清晰的敘述演變現象與關鍵,抑或是以少總多的見出全幅圖像。最後輔以關鍵論斷,或兼述人情。這展現了陳傅良的經學、史學、文學素養與廣博學識,對於本文更重要的,此學養成就了其兼融敘事、議論、抒情的古文作品。 This paper proposes to study the relationship between Chen Fuliang's (1137 -1203) study of The Spring and Autumn Annals and his classical prose, especially how the former influenced the latter. Chen's main contribution to the study of The Spring and Autumn Annals are: 1 ) studying the changes in the world from a historical perspective and 2) the writing principle of The Spring and Autumn Annals. Chen's view of how the world changes focuses on “inception,” “gradual development,” “accumulation,” and “limits.” His view of the writing principle of The Spring and Autumn Annals stresses the reciprocal relationship between the “classic” and its commentary. Chen Fuliang wrote his classical prose in light of his theory of The Spring and Autumn Annals,as seen in his prefaces, postscripts, letters, miscellaneous notes, epitaphs, sacrificial writing, and treatises. The aesthetic appeal in these classical prose pieces reflects Chen's scholarship.

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