
Herein presented a case of 67-year-old man who first noted a skin tumor on his scrotum more than 30 years ago. The lesion was totally excised by a primaryphysician, however, the lesion recurred three times during past 30 years. The patient presented us on July 23, 1993, because of the third recurrence. Physical examination revealed 5×3cm, dark-reddish, well-demarcated, partly protruded node with erosion. Total excision with 2cm of margin, including bilateral testes and epididymides wasconducted on November 5, 1993. Histologically, the elongated or spiky nests of tumorcells were proliferated from the epidermis to the subcutaneous tissue with prominent fibrous stroma. The occasional tumor cells showed luminal structures. The tumornests failed to express CEA and S-100 protein. Electron microscopic examination repealed the intracytoplasmic lumina, lined by microvillous projections. Based on these findings, the diagnosis of eccrine porocarcinoma was made. The lesion recurred adjacent to the scar at November, 1994 and March, 1995. Finally, the additional resection taking 3cm margin was performed. Our statistical analysis of 121 cases of eccrine porocarcinoma in past 28 years revealed that the cases with metastasis orrecurrence were located predominantly on the male genial region.

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