
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 宋代《洗冤集録》(1247)是中國第一部成系統、完整的檢驗書,該書是宋慈(1186-1249)參考相關著作與親身的驗屍經驗,總結而成的實務手册,書中詳細記載身體的器官、組織、骨骼,是探究人體詞的好材料。 首先,該書骨名詞量有 61 個,與現代骨名相較,有古今可對應、部分對應、無法對應3類,可對應者居多。本文從中選取 4 組詞爲代表,進行微觀辨析。其次,該書骨名以舊詞居多,主要來自醫書,其次是佛典。新造骨名的特點是不避俚俗,形象鮮明。骨骼的命名以體表模式居多,然後是形狀、穴位。體表與穴位模式屬轉喻思維,形狀模式屬隱喻思維。宋慈對骨節有個錯誤認知,以爲骨骼因性别或地域而有不同。該書還有一些想象的骨骼與一骨多名現象,影響骨骼數計算。此外,將《洗冤集録》與清代官定骨圖/ 骨格對照,發現後者採用前者新骨名,延續錯誤的骨節觀念。《洗冤集録》勾勒的骨骼圖像已不全然與驗屍現場吻合,後繼骨圖/ 骨格仍有此問題。骨圖/ 骨格的設計爲檢驗帶來便利,卻因爲守舊,平添檢驗者困擾。换個角度説,表示《洗冤集録》文本建構的身體圖像已具典範性,後世檢驗亦恪遵其述,不離其知識框架。 Collected Records of Exonerating the Innocent (Xiyuan jilu) of the Song dynasty is the first systematic and complete book on anatomy in Chinese history. The book is a practical manual based on Song Ci’s (1186-1249) references to relevant scholarship and personal experience in autopsy. It contains detailed records of organs, physical structures and bones, and is a useful source for the study of terminology of the human body. There are 61 terms about bones in the book, which may be classified in three categories: 1) those corresponding with their modern equivalents; 2) those partially corresponding; and 3) those not corresponding. The corresponding ones make up the majority. The present study selects four terms for detailed analysis. In the book, the terms related to bones are mainly old terms derived from medical books and Buddhist sutras. The newly coined terms for bones are popular in style and represent vivid images. The main method of naming bones is in accordance with their respective surface on the body; the next most common naming method is reliant upon the respective shape and acupuncture point. The body surface and acupuncture point methods are based in metonymic thought, whereas the shape method is based in metaphorical thought. One aspect of Song Ci’s misunderstanding of the joints is that bones are different because of gender or region. In the book, there are a number of imagined bones as well as bones with several names, which influence the calculation of the number of bones. This study compares Collect Cases of Injustice Rectifies with the official documents about bone images and tabulations enacted in the Qing dynasty, and finds that the latter adopts the new bone names from the former and thus continues the misconceptions of the joints. The bone images constructed by Collect Cases of Injustice Rectifies do not completely dovetail with the postmortem scenes; this problem ensued in the bone images and tabulations. The design of the bone images and tabulations is practical for examination but confuses coroners because of its conservative concept. Observed from a different perspective, the physical image and tabulation of bones constructed by the Collect Cases of Injustice Rectifies became so exemplary that coroners of later generations have been adopting its content and the knowledge framework contained therein.

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