
核环境中武器装备的生存能力研究是美军的一项重要工作,抗核电磁脉冲防护是其中一项重要内容。美军很早就在这一领域开展了相关研究,并取得了丰富的成果。为了指导相关工作开展,美军颁布了较为系统的指导性、技术性文件。本文主要介绍了美军有关核电磁脉冲的指令性文件、环境与效应要求、加固/防护标准、试验标准、电磁脉冲环境下武器系统生存能力试验操作规程。 Research on arms and equipment survivability in nuclear environment is an important work of the U.S. military, and nuclear electromagnetic pulse protection is a main part of this work. The U.S. military started studying these problems since many years ago, and made a great progress. In order to guide this research, the U.S. military issued series of documents about electromagnetic pulse, just like DoD Directives, DoD Instructions, environment & effects requirements, hardening/protect standard, test standard, arms and equipment survivability test operations procedure in nuclear electromagnetic pulse environment. They are all introduced in this article.

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