
It is pointed out that corundum is the only natural modification with corundum Al and O packing motif, which determines the physical and chemical features of noble corundum. Based on the authors' ideas about the genesis of noble corundum with the application of original analytical data, which clarify the consolidated literature data, corundums of the magmatic, metamorphic and detrital series are defined. A scheme of the location of the main deposits of noble corundums of the world is given. It is stated that all properties of noble corundums are determined by their primary indigenous origin. The general condition of corundum formation is protocrystallization from melts in deep magmatic centers under the condition of subsequent rapid solidification of the main mass of the melt. The presented research methods allow determining characteristics and a wide range of application of corundums. Precambrian corundum deposits are of the prevailing genetic type.

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