
Ansaq carries on with its regular publications that include various high-quality scientific research papers. We are pleased to present in this new issue five research papers, in addition to a translated chapter of a book. These papers cover different fields of knowledge, as shown in the table of contents; some papers tackle translation, some examine poetry and its aesthetics, some investigate communication mechanisms, in addition to other fields. The journal is still interacting with the Corona pandemic (Covid-19) as an exceptional event that shook the entire world in an unprecedented way, the effects of which are still present and felt every day in various walks of life. The dangers of this pandemic are still visible and have not come to their end yet. Covid-19 virus imposes itself from time to time through its new variants, which announce their appearance in the East at times, and in the West at other times. Hence, Ansaq welcomes scientific research that looks into this cosmic phenomenon in the context of what is related to its fields of research, especially those that deal with this issue from interdisciplinary research angles, similar to the sociolinguistic study in this issue on the approach to the epidemic discourse in literature and media. The study takes the Moroccan media as a model for this approach. Given the importance of translation in its communicative aspect with other cognitive products, this issue includes a translated chapter of the book: Du Cerveau au Savoir (From Brain to Knowledge), which is one of the most prominent philosophical works of the American linguistic philosopher John Rogers Searle. It is worth noting that Ansaq has recently joined the “Marefaˮ database after achieving the criteria for accrediting the impact factor and reference citations “Arcif,ˮ which is compatible with international standards, amounting to (32) standards. The journal was classified in the field of Arts as (Q2), in media and communication as (Q3), and in humanities (interdisciplinary) as (Q3). Ansaq aspires diligently to occupy a more advanced position in this first Arab classification, and to become a (Q1) journal soon - God willing -. On the same level, the journal is working to become indexed in other international databases, in addition to the ones that currently list it.

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