
摘要: 作为吴语西部地区的分支方言,江西上饶广丰话在表达无定语法意义时与其他方言有很大不同:除了常见的“一量名”短语和省略数词“一”形成的“量名”短语外,广丰话还可使用“个量名”短语。从音系、句法和语义三个角度对“一量名”和“个量名”短语的观察发现,虽然广丰话中的“一”和“个”还保留了数词“一”的解读,但就语法性质而言,它们都基本上演化为了不定冠词。从“个量名”的句法表现可以推测,“个”的不定冠词用法是通用量词语法化的结果,这与之前发现的“量名”短语在许多方言中表有定意义、量词正逐渐演化为准定冠词的情况完全不同,可看作是对汉语方言指称系统和量词语法研究的重要补充。“一量名”和“个量名” 短语目前在广丰话中处于两者共存,相互竞争的局面,这一情况应该是广丰话同时受到上饶话和闽北、闽中地区方言影响的结果。 ABSTRACT: As a variety of west Wu dialect, Guangfeng dialect of Shangrao, Jiangxi is distinctive from others in indefiniteness encoding: Aside from “ ieʔ 5 ‘one’-Classifier-N” and “Classifier-N” phrases frequently observed in other dialects, Guangfeng dialect also takes “ kɤʔ 5 (个)-Classifier-N” phrases to encode indefiniteness. Phonological, syntactic and semantic examinations of the three types indefinite noun phrases suggest that ieʔ 5 ‘one’ and kɤʔ 5 are indefinite articles though their quantity interpretations remain. What is striking is that kɤʔ 5 (个) in “ kɤʔ 5 (个)-Classifier-N” has been grammaticalized into an indefinite article from a general classifier, which is in contrast with the previous findings that “Classifier-N” phrases are used to encode definiteness and classifiers in this structure is being changed into a quasi-definite article. This finding is an important supplement to the studies of the referentiality system of Chinese dialects and the grammatical properties of classifiers. Currently, “ ieʔ 5+classifier+noun” and “ kɤʔ 5+classifier+noun” phrases co-exist in Guangfeng dialect and are competing with each other. Such a situation is assumed to be the consequence of language contact among Guangfeng dialect, Shangrao dialect and dialects in northern central areas of Fujian.

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