
Adrienne Rich, an American feminist poet and essayist of the late twentieth century, has influenced contemporary women’s movement. Her early poems started with traditional and restrained voices as male poets. But through marriage, she has experienced patriarchy in person and afterwards her poem has gone through continual changes. She offers women the knowledge they need to overcome the unreasonableness of their lives, thus allowing them to change the future of their own lives as well as the world. Rich as a feminist delineates the ideal community for women as a means for survival in a patriarchal world. In this paper, we will consider the development of re-reading and re-writing, namely “re-vision”, which Rich worked on as a feminist. She writes that “re-vision is the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text from a new critical direction. For women, re-vision is more than a chapter in cultural history; it is ‘an act of survival’.” The re-visioning woman works to reconstruct conventional symbolic representations in a new and meaningful way. The transformative and flexible power of re-vision can change every reality, every myth, and every structure. Through this attempt, we also consider the various effects that Rich has given to all women and her readers will participating in building the communal society.

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