
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 學界常以“荆公新學”指稱王安石一派學術,此名稱並不見於北宋文獻,實爲清代全祖望首創。王安石同時代人僅稱王氏學爲“新學”,這一名稱源於王氏領銜修纂的《三經新義》。熙寧八年《新義》全部頒佈後,程頤、司馬光、蘇軾等人皆曾用“新學”專指王氏學術,而以元豐二年程頤使用爲最早。“新學”一詞多爲王氏反對者所用,王安石本人及其門生後學皆不以此稱呼自己一派學術,因爲“新學”一詞在當時隱含貶義,反對者借以暗示它惟務新奇,與佛、老等異端糾纏不清,不屬於正宗的儒家傳統。因此,隱匿在“新—舊”這一判分背後的,其實是新潮與傳統、異端與正統的對壘,是北宋新黨與舊黨的角力。“Jing Gong New Scholarship” is generally used to name Wang An-shi's scholarship, but it doesn't appear in books in Northern Song Dynasty. The one who first time used it is Quan Zu-wang in the Qing Dynasty. In Wang's era, people just called his Scholarship as "New Scholarship", which came from the book San Jing Xin Yi. Cheng Yi, Sima Guang and Su Shi had called Wang’s scholarship as“New Scholarship", and Cheng earliest used it in 1079. This name wasn't used by Wang and his students but by his dissenters because of its crytic derogatory sense. The dissenters used it to hint that the "New Scholarship" just pursued novelty and badgered with the deviationism such as Buddhism and Taoism. So it isn't part of traditional Confucianism. We find the opposition between the Newness and the oldness, the deviationism and the legitimacy, and the contest of the new group and the old group.

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