
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 “保护兼容”理念源起、实践与发展 DOI: 10.5846/stxb202104020854 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(42001194) The origin, practice and evolvement of conservation-compatible idea Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: The National Natural Science Foundation of China Young Scientist Programme (42001194) 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:以国内外文献、报告、规划为原始材料,以"保护兼容"一词为核心,结合其使用语境,系统阐述在自然保护话语由"堡垒式"转向"社区保护"时,随着自然保护地功能与管理发生变化,人类活动的保护兼容性如何被重新发现并在自然保护实践中助力生物多样性保护。研究发现,"保护兼容"理念充分体现在景观尺度的土地利用连续体上;在生产性景观视角下乡村土地利用和传统农业系统进入自然保护领域;"保护兼容"理念以土地利用为基础下沉到乡村社区的资源管理、生计发展等多类型活动,以各种保护倡议和项目实现,并在发展中国家和发达国家呈现出不同特征。"保护兼容"理念既进行尺度扩展,探索区域内、跨行政区域乃至国家间多利益相关方参与、多类型土地利用贡献于自然保护扩展,也进行尺度下沉,倡导基于本土价值实现全球价值的保护理念。研究提出,全球在生物多样性保护中要进一步重视生产性景观和农业生物多样性保护,而发展中国家面对全球生物多样性保护紧迫目标时,需要坚持社区主体性和在保护实践中的主动性。 Abstract:The idea of a compatible human-nature relationship generally emerged from the reflection on the "fortress approach" of conservation, and a typical feature of that is the spread of enclosed protected areas for landscape management. Since the 1980s, the idea that protected areas should be socially and economically inclusive has begun to grow, and conservation is no longer limited to making rooms for wildlife but aims at compatible biodiversity and human well-being. Taking "conservation compatible" as a core element and considering its context in the research paper, reports, and plans, the research revealed how conservation compatibility of human activities was rediscovered and achieved during the transition of nature conservation discourse from "fortress" to "community-based". First, the concept of "conservation compatibility" is fully reflected in the land use continuum at the landscape scale from strictly preserved land to various working landscapes. Second, rural land use and traditional agricultural systems become a critical part of nature conservation such as other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs). Third, "conservation compatible" was widely used to describe human land use for resource use, livelihood activities, etc, and the concept was realised through various conservation initiatives and schemes which differ in developing and developed regions. Now conservation compatibility is upscaling to describe the participation of multi-stakeholders and integrated management of all types of lands within the region, across administrative regions, and even among countries for more effective conservation networks at multiple scales. On the other hand, the concept is also downscaling back to communities to advocate protecting global biodiversity based on the local context that defines rural communities' resource governance regime and reflects their desire for development. The research pointed out that the biodiversity conservation mission should pay more attention to productive landscape and agro-biodiversity, as well as the policy coordination between agricultural and conservation sectors. This is mainly because the productive landscape has great potential to support high biodiversity and complement the protected area networks. In addition, the research argued that China must apply the conservation compatible idea to resolve the intense land use conflicts by integrated land use planning and natural-based solutions, and to promote rural development through a conservation-compatible livelihood approach, which emphasises the community subjectivity and initiative in conservation when facing the urgent goal of global biodiversity conservation as developing countries. Therefore, when facing the local developing needs while bearing the mission of building a shared future for all life on earth, China can take the lead to develop concrete solutions based on the conservation-compatible idea for better conservation efficiency and human well-being. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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