
“鬼”泛指人死后与躯体相脱离而存在的各种“魂灵”,围绕“魂灵”问题而产生的各种现象以及与之有关的古籍、典章、礼仪、风俗统称为“鬼文化”(靳风林,1995)。中国的鬼文化源远流长,从丧葬仪式、祭祀活动到各种以鬼为题材的文学作品,一直延续流传到现代生活中。而民间大众和知识精英作为两个群体,他们的认识层面不一样,因此从古至今,民间文化和官方文化有着不同的话语体系,民间大众和知识精英对于人们精神疾病和心理冲突的认识和解决途径也不相同。知识精英大多崇尚科学,常常愿意以医学的手段去解决心理问题,而对于广大深受中国传统民间文化影响的中下层群众来说,深受神鬼信仰的他们更愿意把难以解释的社会现象看做灵性资源的释放,常常用“鬼上身”、“失魂”去表征人们异常的行为,相应的,会以“招魂”“驱鬼”等民间巫术作为解决这些问题的方法。本文在总结前人研究的基础上,通过搜索的多个案例,分析几种典型的“鬼”现象,比如:鬼上身,招魂,驱鬼等,从而进一步挖掘中国文化中的灵性资源,依托民间文化心理学视角探讨中下层民众的民间信仰以及民间疗法的作用机制,并用“现代性”的眼光对传统鬼文化进行反思。 Ghost refers to the soul that separated from the body after the people died. These some pheno-mena including ancient books, laws, rituals and customs are relevant to soul, which is collectively referred to “ghost culture”. Chinese ghost culture existing a long history, wherever in the funeral ceremonies, ritual activities or the various literary creations in ghost as the theme, it has been extending to modern life. As two different groups, the public and the intellectual elites have disparate understanding. So from ancient times, folk culture and official culture have the distinct discourse system. As for mental illness and psychological conflicts, the understanding and solution methods of the public and the intellectual elites are so different. Most of the intellectual elite advocate science, often willing to adopt medical means to solve the psychological problems. And the majority of lower masses, by the impact of traditional Chinese folk culture, are more willing to explain the difficult social phenomenon in spiritualism, such as “ghost possession”, “losing souls” as the means to express the abnormal behavior of the people. In order to solve these problems, the public use the “evocation” and “exorcism” on behalf of folk witch-crafts. Based on previous studies, we searched several cases which were used to analyse some typical “ghost” events, such as ghost possession, exorcism, phychic and so on. Then the spiritual resources would be excavated in Chinese culture. In the perspective of folk psychology, the folk faith of the lower class people was discussed in this study, and we reflected the traditional ghost culture in the view of modernization.

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