
Adaptability of Alternaria black spot-resistant strawberry lines, M 16-AR 1, 2 and 3 selected from calliclones derived from the shoot apex tissues of 'Morioka-16', to the semiforcing culture and open field culture in the cool region of Japan was examined.To adapt these lines to a semi-forcing culture, the chilling requirement of 1, 400 hr at or below 5 °C for 'Morioka-16' was used as a standard. In open field culture, they were grown according to the conventional methods. No significant differences in vegetative and fruit characteristics such as plant height, length of petiole, number of runners, sweetness (Brix), acidity, puncture resistance by fruit skin and crop yield, were found between 'M 16-AR' lines and 'Morioka-16'.We found 'M 16-AR 1, 2, and 3' suitable for semi-forcing culture and open field culture, so that these lines can replace 'Morioka-16' which is susceptible to Alternaria black spot. 'M 16-AR 2' was registered on 1 September 1992, as 'AKITA BERRY', a new strawberry cultivar.

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