
We have studied the contents of ZhanCi(占辞Prognostication, an interpretation of the resulting cracks) in BinZu(宾组Bin group), which correspond to the first stage of Yinxu Oracle bone inscriptions, and also analyzed its content characteristics and functions. The results stated in this paper can be summarized as follows.BR First, we pointed out that, since Oracle bone script is basically a divination record, there were always judgments about divination, with or without ZhanCi, however the prophecy was occasionally recorded. For the case of ‘He(合)’, we showed that about 700 pieces out of ‘Jagupian(甲骨片)’ amounting to near 20,000 were recorded, which is very small. In addition, we classified the contents of ZhanCi into six subjects: Qixiang(氣象, weather), Shengyu(生育, childbirth), Buxun(卜旬, divination for the next ten days), Junshi(军事, military affairs), Jisi(祭祀, sacrifice), Jibing(疾病, disease)․Zaiyang(災殃, disaster), and we also analyzed them in detail.BR Second, based on the analysis of ZhanCi, we presented two characteristics of Binzu’s and also mentioned the role of ZhanCi. Especially, we pointed out that ZhanCi recorded events related to the security of the royal family and the state, or events which were considered to be important issues at that time. Therefore, even if Tianlie(田猎, Hunting) was one of king’s important activities, however ZhanCi appears to be very rare, and the year’s harvest was also recorded in relation to the weather forecast. In addition, we also characterized that the contents of ZhanCi consist of judgement on ‘Selection(選擇)’ and ‘Good or ill luck(吉凶)’.BR As for the role of ZhanCi, we suggested that it has a function to clearly show what contents they wanted to ask.

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