
Aboriginal breeds and bird populations are a valuable genetic resource. Characterized by relatively low productivity, they exhibit high viability and good adaptability to the local conditions in which they were formed. Due to these positive qualities, they are in high demand among the population and have been successfully used in various breeding programs. Therefore, their conservation is receiving much attention worldwide. Not so long ago, Poltava chickens, or as they were called, were widely known in Ukraine. The breed included three varieties: Poltava Clay, Poltava Creep and Poltava Black. But gradually the last two varieties were lost under the pressure of industrial lines and crosses of chickens. Given the urgency of the problem of conservation of the domestic gene pool of poultry, the purpose of the research conducted in recent years by scientists of the State Poultry Research Station of the NAAS, was to resynthesis chickens with crested and black plumage and evaluate their economically useful features. The genetic material of the Poltava clay breed and two populations of Birkian meat-and-egg chickens with black and blackstriped plumage color were used. The synthesis of new genotypes of chickens was carried out by hybridological and recombination methods, and the further consolidation of the two populations created was breeding. The resulting population with cuckoo plumage was named Ukrainian cuckoo, and with black plumage was Ukrainian black. The bird of new Ukrainian populations has the following economically useful indicators: live weight of cocks – 2.6-3.4 kg, chickens – 2.0-2.7 kg; laying of chickens – 113-125 eggs for 28 weeks of productivity. The eggs have a mass of 54-65 g and the cream color of the shell. Currently, this bird is bred at the experimental farm of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of NAAS and is successfully sold to farmers and amateur poultry.

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