
对中央电视台、人民网、《人民日报》、人民论坛等媒体中关于“最美司机吴斌”的相关报道进行分析,由此探究新媒体环境下“最美”人物报道的传播模式。并对中央新闻媒体中的“最美”系列报道进行梳理,从政治、社会和媒体三方面总结出“最美”报道产生的原因。经过进一步分析,对“最美”典型报道的一些问题:报道在语言和角色选取上显示出民粹主义的特征;报道的集中化和内容的重复使受众产生了审美疲劳;为了迎合报道潮流制造“最美”假新闻的现象。因此本文认为媒体在进行“最美”典型报道时,要警惕“最美”报道的虚假化,防止报道的民粹化,同时重视受众的审美心理。This paper is based upon the case studies on “The most beautiful driver Wu Bin” in China Central Television, People’s Daily Online, People’s Daily and People’s Forum. The assay researched new mode of communication of typical reports in the new era. At the same time, this paper sorted out the series reports of the most beautiful after the news of Wu Bin and summarized the reasons of this phenomenon. Besides the reason on the social environment of moral anomie, the government and new media both are the significant bulldozers in this process. Some ideas have been found in this research. The idea that characteristics of the populism displayed in the aspects of reported language and the selection of roles. The audience has already been tired on such reports. In addi-tion, there are an increasing number of series typical reports and even some media created fake news in order to meet the taste of the audience. In conclusion, according these ideas mentioned before, this paper argues that the media should pay more attention on the fatigue emotion of au-dience, meanwhile, they ought to guard against this type of reports being populism and the fake news reported.

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