
Methoxy-, methyl-, fluoro-, chloro-, and bromonaphthalenes were iodinated by using iodine-iodic acid, and the resulting iodo compounds were converted into the corresponding trifluoromethyl derivatives by treatment with trifluoromethyl iodide in the presence of copper powder. The iodination proceeded in the yield of 11-95%; the order of their reactivities was OCH3> CH3> F> Cl> Br, decreasing with less electron-donative effect of the substituent. The trifluoro-methylation reaction proceeded smoothly in the yield ranging from 72 to 81%, except for the bromoiodo compoud (1-bromo-4-iodo); besides which iodo (trifluoromethyl) naphthalene, his (trifluoromethyl)naphthalene, and bromo(trifluoromethyl)naphthalene were obtained.

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