
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of suicide. By analyzing the views of philosophers, psychiatrists, anthropologists, religious scholars, psychoanalysts, the author reveals the nature of suicidal behaviour. By decoding suicide as "a free death" and conscious deprivation of one’s life, the author retrospectively defines the main motives, on which the individual’s suicidal behaviour is based. The main leitmotif of the publication is deeply rooted in the Plato’s saying: "A person is given a reason in order to have the courage to endure life, full of grief and suffering".It was found out, that suicide is possible when an individual cannot bear the burden of ordinary duties in everyday life. He seems to feel unnecessary, or annoying to others. Before suicide, a person is senselessly suffering. Life for a suicider should be either rich, or it should not exist at all. A suicide will always demand from life more than it can give him.In its core, suicide is the denial of three higher Christian virtues – faith, hope, and love. It was stated, that suicide is a person who does not believe in anything, does not hope for anything and does not love anyone. It was found out, that in wartime, suicide is a kind of infantile escape from the psychologically traumatic situation.It was defined that suicide has a great influence on the surrounding of the suicider. Those, who stay alive, experience a triple loss: the death of a loved one, the rejection and loss of illusions. Suicide deprives a person of the sense of dignity, value and uniqueness. These circumstances increase the level of potential hostility of a grieving individual and he can possibly direct it on the only accessible or most suitable target – on himself. People, who survived a suicide of the loved ones, experience the difficulty to express their thoughts, regarding suiciders. Unlike an ordinary death, friends and relatives do not want to talk about suicide-related events. They believe, that suicide was an accident, a murder. The reasons, which prove the reluctance to discuss the true cause of suicide were revealed. On the basis of the developed technique of "silent agreement" the procedure of the actions of family members, where a suicide happened, was developed. The silent agreement is an effective way to solve the problems of guilt and mutual accusations that can dominate the family and relatives after suicide.

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