
Looking back on Gangshang (崗上) and Loushang (樓上), it was recognized that the social difference character that had been developed had been accepted without any major opposition or new repercussions. However, since this is an issue in studies of all tombs, including stone mound tombs, it is decided that there should be an opportunity for improvement. In the process, social differentiation studies state that the conformity of burial aspects to ‘the contexts of a death’ could be a problem. Thus, this study introduced and analyzed the burial styles of stone mound tombs in the Lianan area. In addition, this research clarified the issue of the sacrificial burial, which was raised in a debate over social formation in the North Korean academic community, as well as the refutation of the theory of the sacrificial burial in the South Korean academic community and views on the status of the buried people. Next, this study highlighted that it would be required to investigate numerous options, to highlight the current studies of Korean bronze age social differentiation's conflicting condition, and to seek answers. Rather than assuming the tombs as the cemetery for communities of kinship or generation, a new concept of stone mound tombs in Gangshang and Loushang was developed due to the incompatibility between the circumstances of death and the burial aspects. Gangshang and Loushang were brought up and reexamined because there are comprehensive morphological variations-the scale, structure, and refinement of the tomb, labor force investment, and buried relics-funeral practices, and information form the human remains . Hopefully, better alternatives can be presented through a lot of discussions, going back to the situations of burials.

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