
The author made rabbits inhale dust of coal from Sakito Mine, Kyushu, and the coal dust mixed with the equivalent quantity of dust of the bed rock of the colliery, to cause experimental anthracosis and anthraco-silicosis in them, for comparative study of the pathological pictures in them. Next, the dust-inhaled rabbits were inoculated with low virulent bovine tuberculous bacilli for causing concurrent lung tuberculosis in them and comparing the findings with those of simple tuberculous controls the influence of anthracosis and anthraco-silicosis on complicated pulmonary tuberculosis was investigated. The results of the experiments were in summary as follows: 1) In the rabbits made to inhale coal dust, the principal findings were deposition of coal dust and cell proliferation at the sites of coal deposition, accompanied by mild proliferation of argyrophil fibres, but no long-standing proliferation of collagenous fibres was observed even in the experimental animal kept under observation for the longest time. 2) In the rabbits made to inhale rock-dust added coal dust, beside the above findings, distinct silicotic granuloma formation due to proliferation of collagenous fibres was apparent. 3) In the rabbits made to inhale coal dust and subsequently inoculated with tuberculosis changes were found perceptibly more aggravated than in the simple tuberculous controls, but in some cases the parallelism between the grade of the anthracotic changes and the tuberculous changes was not apparent. 4) In rabbits made to inhale coal dust plus rock dust and subsequently inoculates with tuberculosis bacilli, the tuberculous changes were found particularly aggravated. In these cases, the tendency to occurrence exsudative or necrobiotic changes in the tuberculous foci was always found the stronger, the severer the anthraco-silicotic changes. From such experimental results, it may be concluded that even coal dust devoid of the effect of causing proliferation of fibres or an thracosis due to such coal dust acts in aggravating the tuberculous changes occurriug in complication, but this effect of coal dust is weaker than that of coal dust mixed with silicate dust.

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