
The article considers the properties of remote geoimages. The properties of remote geoimages are singled out; the system ofclassification features is developed. The classification features of remote geoimages are divided into two groups: features of thewhole work and features of the iconic image. The first are the features that apply to the whole work, is visualized digital oranalogy display on any media. These include: recording information, repeatability, print format and image construction andproduction technology and registration and destination materials. The second group of features includes the features of thedirectly iconic image, what we can see in the picture. These are coverage of the territory, signs of image characteristics (spatial,spectral, radiometric and temporal resolution), detail, spectral range and degree of reduction. The following properties of remotegeoimages are distinguished: visibility, complex mapping of geosphere components, regular repeatability of shooting, remotegeneralization of the image, objectivity, efficiency, extraterritoriality, accessibility. The correspondence of the properties ofremote geoimages to their classification features is outlined. On the basis of the developed classification features theclassification of remote geoimages is created. The developed classification of remote geoimages according to certain features isthe most complete and systematized ordering of currently known types of remote geoimages. The developed classification willbe included in the analytical and information system for geo-iconic visualization and construction of geoimages with givenproperties. The classification is designed with the possibility of updating and supplementing, which provides for its furtherimprovement.

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