
Purpose. To present data on pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods and treatment of uveal effusion syndrome. Material and methods. To perform the review, literature sources were searched through the Pubmed, Scopus and eLibrary databases up to and including 2020, using the keywords: «uveal effusion», «ciliochoroidal detachment», «choroidal effusion», «serous retinal detachment», «nanophtalmos», «uveal effusion syndrome». A total of 46 articles related to the topic of the review were selected. The beginning of publications on this theme started at 1963. Results. Analysis of publications testifies that today difficulties in diagnosing and determining therapeutic tactics for uveal effusion syndrome are due to the vastness of the differential diagnostic search, a variety of clinically similar diseases and the lack of consensus on the pathogenesis of this condition. Conclusion. Uveal effusion syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion which can be taken only when other reasons of ciliochoroidal detachment, such as rhematogenous retinal detachment, inflammatory processes, neoplastic processes, systemic diseases, trauma, previous ophthalmic surgery, are excluded. Correct diagnosis and determination the type of uveal effusion syndrome can save patients from unnecessary surgical procedures, such as vitrectomy or even enucleation. Key words: uveal effusion syndrome, pathogenesis, classification, treatment

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