
The current study is limited to first stage intermediate female students in public schools, morning study, affiliated with the directorate of Education in Al-Qadisiyah, and the science subject (the last four chapters) of the first intermediate stage science textbook curriculum for the academic year 2022/2023. The researcher chose the quasi-experimental design with partial control (experimental and control groups) with a post-test for achievement and a varied exploration scale. Baghdad School for Girls was intentionally selected to represent the current study sample, and two sections of the first intermediate stage were randomly selected, including (85) female students, section (A) included (43) female students representing the experimental group, while section (C) included (42) female students representing the control group. The researcher equivalence the two research groups in variables (age, intelligence test, and mid-year scores). The researcher also prepared two tools; The first was the achievement test which consisted in its final version (40) multiple-choice objective test items with four alternatives. The apparent validity, content validity and reliability of this tool were verified. The difficulty, discrimination and effectiveness of the wrong alternatives for the objective test items were extracted. As for the second tool, it consisted of preparing the varied exploration scale, which consists in its final version (40) items. The apparent validity, construct validity was verified, and the reliability coefficient was found using the (split-half method and Richardson-20) equation. The researcher applied the experiment in the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023, and the experiment lasted (eight) weeks. The data were analyzed and processed using the Statistical Analysis Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and the (Microsoft Excel) program, by using the t-test for two independent samples, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the effect size. The researcher concluded the following results: 1- The result related to the first hypothesis regarding the achievement test results indicated that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of female students of the experimental group who studied science according to the Windows Movie Maker program, and the mean scores of female students of the control group who studied the same material in the usual way in the achievement variable in favor of the female students of the experimental group. 2- The result related to the second hypothesis regarding the results of the varied exploration scale indicated that there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of female students of the experimental group who studied science using the Windows Movie Maker program, and the mean scores of female students of the control group who studied the same material in the usual way in the varied exploration variable in favor of the female students of the experimental group. In light of the results, the researcher came out with a set of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions. Keywords :- Windows Movie Maker Program , achievement , diverse exploration

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