
Objectives This study investigates the effect of reciprocal peer tutoring in enhancing students’ mock TOEIC scores, focusing on university students majoring in Aviation Services enrolled in a TOEIC course.
 Methods The participants were divided into an experimental group, utilizing reciprocal peer tutoring, and a control group, following traditional instructional methods. Using the SPSS 29.0 statistical program, the study examined the differences in the TOEIC score improvement between the groups. Additionally, the reflection evaluations from students engaged in reciprocal peer teaching were analyzed for further insights.
 Results The findings revealed a significant enhancement in the overall TOEIC scores of the experimental group using reciprocal peer tutoring, surpassing the control group by a noteworthy 56.13 points, showing a statistically significant difference. Particularly, the reciprocal peer teaching method demonstrated a pronounced effect in the RC (Reading Comprehension) section. In contrast, no statistically significant difference was observed in the LC (Listening Comprehension) section between the two groups. Further analysis of reflection evaluations uncovered the development of a positive attitude in TOEIC learning, encompassing elements such as confidence, sat-isfaction, class enjoyment, learning motivation, and class concentration.
 Conclusions In conclusion, this study underscores the potential of reciprocal peer tutoring to the improvement of TOEIC scores positively. The cultivation of a constructive learning environment through enhanced communication and collaboration, facilitated by mutual peer teaching methods, holds promise for promoting successful TOEIC outcomes.

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