
Chinese abstract: 区块链技术在各个行业的应用潜力被发掘和逐渐实现,甚至可能对经济社会的组织结构和治理带来变革,但目前社会科学界对它的技术特征和应用价值研究甚少。为此,本文提出从技术创新、交易成本和公共选择三个经济学理论视角来理解区块链的技术特征、变革组织模式的经济价值以及构建新型社区的治理制度机理。本文认为,区块链是具有技术-经济范式变革意义的技术创新,较高的协调成本影响了其扩散;它创造新型组织模式的经济原理在于极大减少了交易成本;区块链社区具有良好公共秩序的制度机理是形成了便于表达意见和传递信任的治理结构。在此基础上,本文进一步提出了区块链在技术创新、企业组织和公共治理等领域的一系列研究新命题。由此,本文的贡献就在于为研究区块链的管理学和经济学意义建构了一个初步议程。 English abstract: Blockchain technology has been gradually widely recognized and realized because of its potentiality of industrial application, and may even greatly transform the structure and governance of modern economic and societal organizations. But the academia of social science lacks investigation on its development and value. This paper thus attempts to describe and study the technological feature, economic value and institutional merits of blockchain from the theoretical perspectives of innovation, transaction cost and public choice. This paper finds out that it is difficult for blockchain to diffuse because it revolutionizes techno-economic paradigm and entails large coordination cost. It creates new organizational modes by reducing transaction costs, and shapes good public order by facilitating opinion expression and trust transmission. Another contribution of this paper is proposing a series of research questions regarding blockchain in theories of innovation, firm and public governance. In this way, the paper sets a preliminary research agenda of blockchain technology in terms of management and economic theories.

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