
The paper considers environmental metrics that assess the man-made impact of energy-converting refrigeration systems on the environment. The results of a comparative analysis of TEWI and LCCP obtained for a medium-temperature vapor-compression heat pump unit (VCHP) operating on refrigerants R1234ze, R1336mzz (E), R600a and R744 are presented. R1336mzz (E) has the worst environmental indicators, because the total emission of equivalent CO2 for the entire period of the life cycle exceeds the same indicator for R600a by 4.2 times. The LCCP results show that system performance and equipment manufacturing emissions are the dominant drivers of CO2 emissions over the life of the SHP unit. The results of comparing refrigerants based on TEWI and LCCP are directly proportional and depend on the amount of energy consumed by the VCHP, which is also reflected in the energy efficiency indicators of the system. It is advisable to take into account the TEWI, LCCP and LCC criteria when comparing and selecting energy-converting refrigeration systems using the multi-criteria optimization method, which will help the user get a more informative understanding of the VCHP.

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