
A program complex is oriented for the examination of the persons of young age with the lesion of blood circulation in vertebra-basilar system. On the basis of researches the main features of the vasculat insufficiency, and proper lesions of basic functions of vascular wall were revealed, with the subsequent algorithm development directed to the groups of risk definition. The program allows to conduct complex assessment of state of health of patient, on the different levels with the subsequent determination of the proper criteria of medical treatment. A program complex is intended for conducting of medical diagnostics. Taking into account it can be applied for the selection of persons of young age for the more detailed examination and management of medicare. On the first stage, the assessment of present subjective and objective neurological signs with the usage of algorithm and special visual-analog scale was done; thus coefficients are calculated automatically, bringing the data to the screen form of the program. Obtained results allow in the real-time mode to determine the risk of vertebra-basilar insufficiency development in the concrete patient or, in the case of mass scrining, to get a list of patients. The efficiency of program by the inversion method on 136 patients of young age was done. The determination of base group of risk consists from forming of number range, which a patient gets on the basis of primary neurological review and questioning. A patient is added to the standardizing form of questioning and review with the regulated quantity of points. The conducting of expert estimation has complete informative picture, as a result of links between different levels of organism state. Resulted screen form of above all menu of complex, which consists of the following pages: computation of group of risk of patient, entrance data of researches, results and computations. Patient with definite base by the initial group of risk depending on the results, got at passing of additional methods of inspection, gets the marks, which in the most complete measure display the state of health on between system level. A range of distributing of patients after the final groups of risk is determined on the basis of count of sum of marks, which can be got by patient during conducting of additional methods of inspection.

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