
Selection of sustainable and ornamental rosehip species is relevant for their widespread use in forest reclamation and landscaping of settlements in the arid region. The objects of research were rosehips with different areas of natural expansion: R. rugosa, including form alba War Rehder, R. cinnamomea, R. beggeriana, R. acicularis, R. spinosissima, R. canina growing at points of introduction on different soils. In 2018, June was the hottest month, while February was the coldest month in Volgograd region. The maximum deviation from the average monthly temperature was observed in March. July and January were the hottest and the coldest months, respectively, in Samara region. During the research period, the species of wild roses retained the life form of habitus, and their height varied from 1.0–2.0 m (medium-grown species) to 0.7–0.9 m (short species). Data on the resistance of rosehip species to the maximum and minimum temperatures can be the factual basis of systemarealogical forecasting for geographical points of introduction. The degree of demand of rosehips to soil fertility and light was revealed by poor-demanding species: R. beggeriana, R. cinnamomea, R. rugosa and R. spinosissima. The observing method of the Main Botanical garden, field and laboratory observations allowed to establish the duration of the phenological phases of the studied species. Rosehips, being ornamental throughout the growing season, are useful in forest reclamation and landscaping, depending on the growth and color of their flowers. Types of diseases and parasitic fungi were determined by mycological analysis and reference data. The most common disease of the studied species of rosehips is powdery mildew from the genus Sphaerotheca. Amino acid profile of rosehip fruits was determined by the capillary electrophoresis system “Kapel” at a wavelength of 250 nm and allowed to identify the most valuable by biochemical composition species. In the period of monitoring the winter hardiness of rosehips, the best result was shown by the species R. rugosa, R. cinnamomea and R. canina, belonging to the North American, European and Far Eastern collections. The method of a priori ranking of fruiting indicators based on the division of factors in the descending order of their contribution revealed the most promising species for use in bio technology. The total sum of ranks and the sum of squares of deviations were determined; the concordance coefficient and the degree of consistency of the researchers’ opinions are obtained in accordance with the degrees-of-freedom breakdown. It was found that the use of biotechnological methods in modern seed production is the most pressing; the obtained results will contribute to the improvement and acceleration of the seed production process in the arid conditions of Volgograd region. Recommendations are given for the cultivation of rosehips depending on the natural and climatic conditions of the different districts of the region. For citation: Solomentseva A.S., Lebed’ N.I., Kolmukidi S.V., Mezhevova A.S. Selection of Resistant Species of Rosa L. for the Purposes of Forest Reclamation, Landscaping and Use in Biotechnology (On the Example of Volgograd Region). Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2020, no. 1, pp. 49–62. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2020-1-49-62

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