
In this paper, we analyzed the driving force behind the development of China’s mobile payment platform such as Alipay as an integrated platform that provides various O2O businesses. This is because recent research on O2O business has focused on the revenue sharing between the provider of goods or services and the O2O platform. The development of China’s mobile payment platform into an O2O business platform showed that it was able to (1) secure the cost competitiveness of the platform and (2) provide new and innovative value to consumers. More specifically, first, non-bank payment platforms, which have an absolute advantage in the online payment market share, have gained an advantage in negotiating payment fees with existing financial companies. This gave the non-bank payment platform an edge in cost competition that could develop various O2O businesses. Second, the payment platform created competitiveness through its own financial business, such as micro-online financial goods, using funds deposited in its own accounts. In addition, sharing the fund’s operating revenues with account holders has allowed non-financial settlement accounts to become important financial accounts replacing banks’ demand deposit accounts. In addition, non-financial payment platforms have evolved to further expand the innovative value they provide to consumers by offering a variety of financial services, such as small personal loans and online product purchase loans. Third, Payment platforms such as Alipay have secured competitiveness by offering various living O2O services directly on its own payment platform after acquisition of O2O services and sharing profits with service providers and O2O platforms. Alibaba’s acquisition of O2O services ranges from transportation, household chores, dining out, travel, online education and telemedicine. On the other hand, in order for Kakaopay and Zeropay in Korea to evolve into an O2O platform, institutional regulations such as the revision of the Three Laws on Using Data, which restricts the commercial use of information and communication, must be relaxed. Furthermore, unlike Kakaopay, which provides or prepares various O2O services, Zeropay is limited to offline mobile payment services, therefor it will require more efforts to develop O2O business in the future.

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