
When studying the impact of nervous system on physiological and pathophysiological processes, a need arises to determine the contribution of each division of autonomic nervous system. For the nervus vagus ablation in cervical spine, chest and abdominal cavities the cryosurgical method has been designed to assess the effect of parasympathetic division on heart rate variability. There has been shown the possibility to implement the nervus vagus ablation, as well as the arteria carotis cryodenervation using cryosurgical technique in the ‘carotid’ triangle area of the neck, and thereby to ‘switch off’ the vascular intima-located baroreceptors from a regulatory link. The use of endoscopic device and cryosurgical technique for vascular denervation was established to enable the aortic arch baroreceptor ablation while preserving an anatomical integrity of the vessel. Since the isolation procedure for the nervus vagus abdominal branches in rat along the esophageal lateral edges is relatively accessible, it allows performing the cryodenervation of individual and both nerve branches along with esophagus. Probl Cryobiol Cryomed 2020; 30(1): 090–098


  • There is, in particular, the nerve isolation from neurovascular bundle or arterial vessel denervation in order to ‘switch off’ the baroreceptors, located in vessel wall. When performing such a procedure in rat aorta, the signals coming to the autonomic nervous system (ANS) central parts are not totally blocked, that is explained by the branching of nerve fibers coming from baroreceptors to the n. vagus main trunk [11]

  • The animals were fixed in a supine position to the operating table

  • A neurovascular bundle was isolated in the ‘carotid’ triangle between проблеми кріобіології і кріомедицини problems of cryobiology and cryomedicine том/volume 30, No/issue 1, 2020 условиях выполняли передний срединный разрез шеи на уровне и ниже щитовидного хряща

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Cryosurgical Method for Nervus Vagus

Реферат: При изучении влияния нервной системы на физиологические и патофизиологические процессы возникает необходимость определения вклада каждого из отделов вегетативной нервной системы. When studying the impact of whole-body hypothermia and / or local cryoablation on a body, it is important to assess the contribution of autonomic nervous system (ANS), whose function is to regulate the physiological processes, ensuring the body’s. There is, in particular, the nerve isolation from neurovascular bundle or arterial vessel denervation in order to ‘switch off’ the baroreceptors, located in vessel wall When performing such a procedure in rat aorta, the signals coming to the ANS central parts are not totally blocked, that is explained by the branching of nerve fibers coming from baroreceptors to the n. To study the heart rate variability (HRV) and to interpret correctly the frequency ranges of HRV spectral analysis, it is necessary to design the breakthrough technologies for baroreceptor ‘switching off’ [3] In this aspect, one of the most efficient ways is cryosurgical. The research aim was to design the denervation methods for n. vagus peripheral compartments using cryosurgical way

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