
It is said that the ‘Lex Salica’ is the codification by the latin succeeding the Roman civilization, at the same time, bearing the traditional customs and the original culture of the Franks. From the beginning of the Frankish kingdom to the empire of Carolus Magnus, because the Lex Salica enables us to recognize the society of the Franks, the Gallo Romans and the others in the Franksh kingdom, it is very precious archives to solve the difficulties for understanding the history between the fall of Roman Empire and the opening of Frankish kingdom as well as the early medieval western civiliztion. In this article, it aims to follow the roles of the Franks leading their history and their civilization not only their original customs but also the Roman inheritance encouraging the germnination of the medieval age. Let us read the challenge and the strategy of the Frankish kings for the making the new epoch with the Lex Salica, not causing the old historic argument between the Romania and the Germania. (Gyeonsang National University)

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