
GOST 53442-2015 introduced a novelty into the ESCD system in the form of a conventionally graphical designation of the theoretically exact TED size, fit requirements and many other designations, which of course caused a lot of mistakes due to misunderstanding of this definition by various divisions of the production enterprise. Modern systems of assembly operations in the ISO system differ significantly from the traditional requirements for designations given by the Unified System of Technological Documentation. On the one hand, these requirements, additional signs significantly increase the number of symbols on the assembly drawing, which can make it difficult to read the drawing, on the other hand, these designations adopted by the ISO system are increasingly found in the designation of drawings made by Russian companies, to which, however, the requirements of compliance with international standards can be applied - and not only in the field of compliance with the quality of finished products, systems for the availability of safe production, but above all international rules for the designation of drawings.

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