
Abstract Medical Gateway(MG), that integrates medical devices with its unique data format in various hospital information systems, provides effectiveness in the cost of the management unlike existing systems that uses PC as a gateway to hospital information systems because MG enables to interface medical devices with itself. However, in spite of using MG for integrating medical devices, we need additional programs or systems to interwork with EMR system of each hospital in accordance with the configuration of DB. In this paper, we design and implement the format of medical information and server system for interworking MG with EMR system. The proposed system makes easy exchanging medical data between MG and EMR system. Thus, the proposed system can contribute to a national project to export abroad advanced hospital setup converged with IT. Key Words : Digital Hospital, Medical Device Integration, Server Architecture, HL7 * 정회원, 가천대학교 IT대학 컴퓨터공학과 ** 정회원, 가천대학교 IT대학 컴퓨터공학과(교신저자)접수일자 2013년 10월 22일, 수정완료일 2013년 11월 23일게재확정일자 2013년 12월 13일Received: 22 October, 2013 / Revised: 23 November, 2013 Accepted: 13 December, 2013

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