
In the present article the results of a study for the sorption of cerium (III) ions by a chelating synthetic sorbent are presented. Based on a copolymer of styrene with maleic anhydride and m-aminophenol, a new polymer chelating sorbent was synthesised and its sorption characteristics were studied with respect to cerium (III) ions. The synthesis of the sorbent was carried out in the presence of formalin acting as a crosslinking agent. In the course of the studies, various parameters affecting sorption were determined: optimal pH value; ionic strength; the time of complete sorption equilibrium; the effect of the initial concentration of cerium (III) ions on the sorption process. Studies have shown the maximum sorption capacity of the sorbent with respect to cerium (III) ions to be equal to 540 mg/g at pH = 5. In the course of studying the influence of ionic strength on the sorption process up to a certain value of ionic strength (0.2-1.0 mol/L), the presence of K+ and Clions was established to have no effect on the sorption capacity of the sorbent. The reverse desorption process was also studied and the optimal eluent was established using various mineral acids of the same concentration: 0.5 M solutions of HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 and CH3COOH. HNO3 solution of the 0.5 mol/L concentration demonstrated the best desorption ability with respect to cerium ions. The structure of the synthesised sorbent and the presence of certain functional groups was investigated by IR spectroscopy in the region from 400 to 4000 cm -1 .


  • In the present article the results of a study for the sorption of cerium (III) ions by a chelating synthetic sorbent are presented

  • Studies have shown the maximum sorption capacity of the sorbent with respect to cerium (III) ions to be equal to 540 mg/g at pH = 5

  • In the course of studying the influence of ionic strength on the sorption process up to a certain value of ionic strength (0.2-1.0 mol/L), the presence of K+ and Cl- ions was established to have no effect on the sorption capacity of the sorbent

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Для сорбционных исследований готовили 10-2 моль/л раствор иона Ce(III) и 2ˑ10-3 моль/л раствор реактива. Оптические плотности растворов были измерены на КФК-2, установлены оптимальные значения: рН = 3 и λ = 440 нм. В ходе исследований изучено влияние рН на сорбционную емкость сорбента [17]. Для изучения влияния ионной силы на сорбционную емкость сорбента использовали раствор KCl (2 моль/л). Для синтеза сорбента использовали сополимер стирола с малеиновым ангидридом (схема 2, a) и м-аминофенол в качестве амина (схема 2, b). В качестве полимерной матрицы использовали сополимер стирола с малеиновым ангидридом и м-аминофенол в качестве амина. Для этого в круглодонную колбу добавляли 3 г полимера. Для каждого эксперимента 2 мл раствора иона металла с концентрацией (10-2 моль/л) добавляли в конические колбы емкостью 50 мл. В дальнейшем из каждой колбы отбирали по 1 мл пробы, разбавляли буферным раствором рН = 3 и определяли конечные концентрации ионов Ce(III) с реагентом 3-[2-(4,4-диметил-2,6-диоксоциклогексилиден)гидразинил]-2-гид-рокси-5-нитробензол1-сульфокислота на фотоэлектроколориметре КФК-2 при длине волны 440 нм. Molecular structure of the maleic anhydride and styrene copolymer (a) and m-aminophenol (b)

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