
The problem of the Ukrainian semiotic metalanguage still remains a subject of controversy for those who are interested in the scholarly heritage of the greatest and an extraordinarily prolifi c American philosopher, logician (mathematical and general) and semiotician Charles Sanders Peirce (1839 – 1914). In the course of his polymathic researches he created numerous terminological neologisms. The latter are most commonly rendered into Ukrainian applying transliteration. Peirce was extremely fond of placing things into groups of three, of trichotomies, and of triadic relations. His theory of signs is also based on his ʻtriadism’. The article discusses the interpretation of the fundamental categories of Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness as presented in Peirceʼs work “A Guess at the Riddle” and focuses on the challenges of rendering these and other important terminological units of Peircean semiotics into Ukrainian. The article contains excerpts from the above mentioned Peirce’s work translated into Ukrainian by the author of this paper and the issues of translating Peircean neologisms are approached with the aim of revealing logic in the management of semiotic realities and specifi cally the logic of constructing diff erent Ukrainian equivalents. The lack of the generally accepted tradition of translating semiotic terms brings to life many terminological variants used by diff erent Ukrainian scholars and translators. The present paper reviews some terminological variants used by Ukrainian semioticians and seeks to provide arguments to support the necessity of selecting Ukrainian equivalents using the native stock of morphemes instead of applying transliteration of the original English terms. Following this line of thought, the author suggests her options for rendering such key semiotic terms as Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, representation and determination, representamen and interpretant and some others and claims that the suggested approach is justifi ed and can ensure the adequacy of the translation and the unifi cation of the Ukrainian terminology of semiotics. Key words: Charles S. Peirce, metalanguage of semiotics, terminological neologism, translation, native Ukrainian terminology.

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