
The purpose — to determine the strength of thigh muscles with maximum muscle workout of extension and flexion in football players of a youth football league. Material and methods. The study group included 60 athletes of a youth football league aged 14–17 y. o. They were examined on a Biodex 4 Pro robotic complex, flexion and extension of knee joints alternately at a speed of 60 º/sec and 180 º/sec. Results. The greatest deficit between the lower extremities was found when the knee joint was extended at 60 °/sec and amounted to 19.33%. When the knee joint was flexed at 60 °/sec, the deficit between the limbs was 10.4, which is acceptable, but requires correction. When bending the knee joint at a speed of 180 °/sec, the deficit of muscle strength was 12%, which is also an additional risk factor for injury when working for «endurance». When bending at a speed of 180 °/sec, the deficit was minimal and amounted to 4.3%, which is a variant of the norm. Conclusion. In young football players, the maximum deficit of muscle strength was observed between the extremities with maximum muscle workout in extension by 60 °/sec and by 180 °/sec, which is an additional risk factor for getting muscle damage in the hip and injuries to the capsule-ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint, both when working in the gym and on the field when performing specific work. The research showed that this assessment method is objective and can be used to develop prophylaxis measures and in rehabilitation programs for football players.

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