
The assemblages of herpetobiont spiders from two sites with uncultivated vegetation were studied in the Botanical Garden of the Perm State University from April to November 2012. The method of soil traps with a fixative (4% formalin) was used. A total of 998 specimens of spider were collected during the study period. The meadow species are numerous in the spider assemblages; forest and two synanthropic species are also present. The abundance, number of species, and biological diversity rates of spider assemblages vary significantly between sites and phenoseasons. The original samples are distributed into three seasonal clusters, which makes it possible to highlight the seasonal aspects of the spider assemblage. The spring aspect is characterized by high dynamism of the species composition and the main parameters of the population. The wolf spiders predominate in the assemblage in this period; they make up at least ¾ of all specimens caught here. Trochosa ruricola dominates in both sites, and, in addition, common conditionally spring species are present here. The summer aspect is characterized by the maximum species diversity and the abundance of spiders, which slightly differ between phenoseasons. In summer, the dominant complex becomes simpler; T. ruricola is abundant on both sites. In araneocomplexes, along with numerous conditionally summer species, there are synanthropic species Steatoda grossa and Tegenaria domestica. The autumn aspect is characterized by exceptionally low species diversity and the abundant of spiders. Pre-spring and summer peaks of spider activity were recorded in the seasonal dynamics.

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