
This article is the first attempt to chronicle in a comprehensive manner the official attitude of Russian rulers to the significance of the victory over Sweden in the Poltava battle by the Russian troops led by Peter the Great. It traces the evolution of the official stance throughout different periods in history of our Motherland from the reign of Peter the Great as first Russian emperor to contemporary leaders of Russia and newly -independent Ukraine. Using concrete examples the author reveals the nationwide patriotic fervor typifying the official line on the Poltava victory during the empire period as well as after the revolution. In the Russian Federation the national calendar marks the Poltava battle as the Day of Military Glory. The nationwide program of Patriotic Upbringing of Russian Citizens run by the state for the benefit of people at large features regular scientifically practical conferences, publication of books and articles, lectures and round-table discussions, quizzes and meets dedicated to red-letter days including the Poltava-themed ones, like the Mother of Poltava and Lesnaya Battle. In 2014 a propaganda drive masked as enlightenment was launched in newly independent Ukraine to indoctrinate people in anti-Russian, nationalist and Bendera-esque spirit. The last two years saw the drive to acquire neo-Nazi rhetoric. just prior to the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Poltava Battle the Ukrainian leadership decreed july 27 1709 to be the Day heralding the start of the crusade by hetman Ivan Mazepa in alliance with Carl XII to liberate Ukraine from the yoke of the Moscow Kingdom.

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