
The article analyzes the change in the political vector of Brazil in the conditions of the "right turn", which replaced the "left drift" (2003-2016). The circumstances of the coming to power of the right-wing conservative M. Temer, and then, according to the results of the presidential elections in 2018, the right-wing radical J. Bolsonaro are considered. The main directions of Bolsonaro's internal political course are investigated. As part of the analysis of the domestic policy of the President of Brazil, the features of the 2022 electoral campaign, which unfolded long before its official start, are shown. In the context of extreme radicalization of the political process and polarization of political forces, institutional design is being reformatted. The search for a candidate who could represent the so-called "third way" – a moderate, centrist politician – is not successful, and two leaders of the election race will face each other in the political arena – the current president Bolsonaro and the ex-president, center-left Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. This confrontation goes beyond a personal dispute and embodies two different models of socio-economic development.

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